
Mariahilferstraße, nummer 91, 1070

Vienna /Austria

whole sale plaza Po BOX : 21017

Dubai / UAE



FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations is a nongovernmental, membership-based organization representing freight forwarders in some 150 countries. FIATA’s membership is composed of 109 Association Members and more than 5,500 Individual Members, overall representing an industry of 40,000 freight forwarding and logistics firms worldwide.

FIATA is a reference source on international policies and regulations governing the freight forwarding and logistics industry. FIATA works at the international level to represent service providers who operate in trade logistics and supply chain management. Through its FIATA documents and forms ,congress,training and publications , it promotes trade facilitation and best practices among the freight forwarding community.

FIATA is committed to representing the interest of its members by actively engaging with the World Trade Organization, United Nations agencies and other international organizations, transport organizations, global partners and governments to promote and protect the interest of the industry.

Founded in Vienna, Austria, on 1926, FIATA owes its name to its French acronym (Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés) and is known as ‘the global voice of freight logistics’. FIATA is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.